Tuesday, October 30, 2012

being there

sometimes i have a conversation, an experience, a thought, a whatever and i realize just how far i've come.  realize how far i was, how distant that self hate is. how profound it is that something so distant can bounce back in an instant but how in this instant, it's so far i can't even see it, can't smell it, hear it, taste it, feel it. i need to savour these moments, to be in them and celebrate them. to have a conversation and realize the shit i've been through with my body and how we are one, so in tune, on good terms and hell, even in love. it's kind of incredible.

today i'm in that space and i need to take this space and revel in it. i need to do cartwheels in this space, jumping jacks, i need to rest in this space and yell in this space. i need to take every last bit of it and allow it to expand and take more of me. i need to continue moving with this space, away from the self hate and the body negativity.

it's fucking beautiful.